The invitation I am about to share with you is not for everyone.

But if it is for you. You will know without a shadow of a doubt.

There will be an undeniable calling in your heart. You will be deeply moved. Your soul will light up. And every cell in your body will resonate.

Trust it.

Similarly, many years ago, guided by destiny, I found myself on a soul searching quest, and ultimately a profoundly life altering journey.

I believe there are no coincidences, and the fact that you are reading these words you have been led here by a stirring in your soul. Every moment of your life is an opportunity to choose to live more fully or to hold back. What could you do? Who could you be if you really faced the fears that keep you complacent?

I believe that one of the greatest pains in life is to live a meaningless life. To walk around each day feeling that so much of your potential isn’t fully expressed, and that you are not living your true life’s purpose and destiny. You can have “everything,” but if you don’t know who you truly are, you have nothing.

  • Do you feel overwhelmed by all the responsibilities of life and end up neglecting your deepest personal needs and desires?

    Do you feel deep within your heart, the sense that there is a bigger reason you are here on this planet, and that there is a meaningful contribution for you to make?

    Nothing will be different unless you do things differently. 

    Are you ready to listen to the calling of your own heart?

    Are you ready to live your soul’s Destiny?

    Are you ready to live a life that is a bold adventure?

    This personalized individual retreat is completely geared toward your potential and unique path of spiritual self-realization. It is a retreat for…

Real Life Breakthrough

My work is about connecting you back to your true source, your ‘essence’. It isn’t simply about getting more money or things in your life, its about discovering YOU are the one you have been waiting for! You have within you everything you have been seeking. I teach you how to connect with the source of creativity, abundance, freedom, joy, peace and love right within yourself!

You will return home not only rejuvenated and inspired by your own creative path in life, but with the tools needed to transform every day life circumstances into your life's masterpiece.

are stunningly life transforming, healing, inspiring and restorative.

It is like combining the best of a meditation retreat, deep intensive therapy, sacred psychology, personal medicine walks in nature… only instead of being plopped in a group auditorium – OR into the wilderness with only a tent and bottle of water, this process is nurtured in a much (MUCH) more civilized, comfy, and supported environment that effects the same powerful life breakthrough!

  • Types of clients range from those with no to those with extensive experience with inner spiritual selfhood, and from all spiritual paths including psychologists, healers, artists, homemakers, business men simply those who feel bereft, lost to themselves, overtaken by the mind-noise of daily living…

    That is what has lead you to this website at this moment in time. You are in the process of honoring the voice of your soul, the voice that so often gets overrun by the fears of the mind.

    • Imagine living your purpose, giving your gifts to the world and leaving a lasting legacy.

    • Imagine living life in the flow, where your goals, desires, intentions, manifest with grace and ease.

    • Imagine living a life of true freedom, where you can stand unshakable amidst the chaos of everyday experiences.

    • Imagine living a life where inspiration flows through you and you create abundance effortlessly.

A very important self-awakening soul-stirring process has already begun

There comes a point in your life, when who you are seeking to become is bigger than who you currently are. You hear a calling from deep within. A call to greatness, a call to a new life. It is a call to let go of the known and jump into a new realm of what is possible for your life—a life without limits.

I invite you to join me on this once-in-a-lifetime paradigm altering journey. The journey will call you from deep within your own heart. All that will be left for you to do is answer the call.


Will you answer the call?

Healing In The Land of Enchantment

Santa Fe, New Mexico, founded in 1610, boasts the tagline, “A City Different.” From the traditional adobe architecture, to the colors that splash across the sky, Santa Fe holds some special charm and energy. When the British author, D.H. Lawrence first came to New Mexico he exclaimed, “something stood still in my soul.” The landscape is breathtaking. At 7000 ft the air is clean and usually bright and sunny, and not too warm. Santa Fe is a place you can fully surrender and let go of the weight of pretense and essentially let go of your habitual self.

Santa Fe provides the perfect back drop for a deep emotional and spiritual healing retreat. We enjoy four seasons, and low humidity. The high in the summer is in the mid 80’s and drops in the evening to the high 50’s.

Immersed in the stunning natural beauty and powerful healing energy of Santa Fe. you’ll begin to feel something in you wake up - something you may remember from when you were a child. The world begins to come alive again, and life feels filled with possibility, adventure and magic.


To begin the process simply click the below button to set up an initial session. There is an interview process in order to ensure that the Private Intensive process is the right path for you. The private is priced based on specific needs of each client (all inclusive - except for travel). We look forward to connecting and supporting you on your path to peace, love and wholeness.


The private intensive requires a high level of commitment to change habitual patterning. You must be willing to look at your life in a different way and to adopt new views and new techniques. You will be asked to push yourself mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually. This requires strong focus and the ability to view a challenge from a new perspective. The use of mind-body therapy, hypnotherapy, emotional intelligence tools, regression therapy, vagal-tone and heart rate variability, yoga, meditation, breath work, will challenge you physically, mentally and emotionally to let go of the self you have been and step into the highest expression of yourself. The intensive culminates in a Ceremony which allows you to safely say goodbye to that which no longer supports you and welcome in the new.

Intensives are just that, intense. This program is not designed as a vacation or a chance to get away. You must be emotionally grounded and purposeful about your spiritual path whatever that path is for you. What you learn here are tools that have been used for thousands of years. Techniques that empower you to be your own healer. You will detoxify through the high altitude, the land, teachings, ceremony, and the pace.

It is highly advised that you come at least one day early to acclimate to the high altitude. And we suggest staying for 1-2 days after the Retreat to quietly process and absorb all that you have experienced, so give yourself one week off minimum.

LENGTH: Typical is 6 days, 7 nights (additional days may be added for integration and rest)

LOCATION:     The sacred land of Santa Fe in the Pecos Wilderness at our Healing Barn

TUITION:    Based on individualized needs of each client to be determined on a free discovery call


Accommodations include staying in the tranquil 2600 sq ft. 3 bedroom/2 bath Healing Barn amidst the serene Pecos Wilderness. Front row seat to the Milky Way at 7400 altitude. Outdoor cowboy bath with on-demand hot water to soak under the stars.

Organic foods provided by Sun Basket Organic Meals, Healthy organic juice cleanses. (optional and additional costs)

Daily experiential activities and programming including therapeutic embodiment yoga, meditation and medicine hikes.

Inner Child Work – deeply connect with your feelings as an inner child. Learning to reparent.

Shadow Work – understand the shadow side of your psyche and learn how to embrace it.

Heartmath Resilency Training - an innovative approach to improving emotional wellbeing. Learn to change your heart rhythm pattern to create physiological coherence in your electromagnetic field.

Learn Somatic Therapeutic processes. Holistically and compassionate transformation of pain and relational challenges.

Regression Therapy and the integration of Spiritual Psychology.

Vagal Toning for Nervous System Regulation with practical resources and tools.

Pranayama breath work exercise.

Hypnotherapy, energy work, sound healing.

✦ One on one review of medical history & medical consult by Lance Wilson, MD. (if needed)

✦ 90 minute body work massage.

✦ Connecting with nature “Earthing” & Forest Bathing.

Shamanic Energy Healing with Adrienne from The Power Path School of Shamanism.

Lifetime Online Retreat access - Continue your healing journey long after you have returned home. Lifetime access to the course. ($1000 value)

If you’re ready to become the happiest person you know…