The Emotional Healing Systems Non-Profit Foundation

"Where hearts find peace, and spirits soar; a sanctuary for your soul's journey."

Welcome to our sanctuary, a non-profit organization dedicated to helping people heal emotionally, spiritually, and mentally. We understand that the journey of self-discovery can be a daunting task, and our mission is to be a gentle guide along the way. We offer a safe space for individuals to explore their innermost thoughts and feelings while providing tools to help navigate life's challenges. Our approach is rooted in empathy and understanding, recognizing that every person's journey is unique. We believe that healing is a holistic process, encompassing all aspects of the self, and we strive to provide support for emotional, spiritual, and mental well-being. Join us on this path of self-discovery and let us help guide you towards inner peace and understanding.


We dream of a universe where people know themselves to be expressions of the One Spirit.

We dream of a universe where people see themselves as beings of love.

We dream of a universe where peace, harmony, laughter, and love flow freely, where life is celebrated and fear is absent.

We dream of a universe where leaders work tirelessly and selflessly to fulfill the highest aspirations of the human soul.

We ask you to dream with us as we respond to the need for each soul to find their way back home to the heart.

Jana & Dr Lance Wilson


  • Attention: Authentic attention… research shows that deep listening with body, heart, and mind to another person heals.

  • Appreciation: Everyone is unique and deserves authentic appreciation for the beautiful expression they offer in life.

  • Affection: Caring, love, empathy, and compassion – let people know you support them.

  • Acceptance: Don’t try to change people. We all need acceptance from others and ourselves.